Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Journey Begins

It's a few weeks into the first semester of my first year teaching.  I want to welcome you into my new teacher world.  Journey alongside me through the hilarity, the heart-wrenching stories, and the heart-warming stories.  Maybe what I have to share won't change you, but I can honestly say that I became a new person the day I became a middle school teacher.  I became a better person.  And I don't say those words lightly.  In just three weeks, I have been forever changed.  Praise the Lord!

I am an overachiever and a perfectionist, meaning I tend to get stressed out in environments where I don't know exactly what I am supposed to do.  But, it was weird, not once did I feel nervous.  I felt completely at peace.  It was then that I realized I was right smack dab in the middle of God's will for my life.  And, I honestly have not doubted that a moment since.

The very first words I heard from the very first student I encountered on my very first day of school (my second first day of middle school) were: "You're gorgeous!"  I was blown away.  Words of affirmation are my love language through and through so the kind words really touched my heart.  I also received an apple in my last class of the day.  If you ask me, I'd say the apple was quite suitable for someone's first day of teaching ever.  I'll never forget it.  That's for sure.

The first week of school I worked extra hard to build a sense of classroom community.  I want my kids to see their peers in a positive light so that they can build each other up and reach goals that they could never reach alone.  So many kids struggle with self-esteem.  They just need to know someone cares.  It makes all the difference in the world.  If you ask me, it's worth putting the work in upfront to get to know your students well.  They're more likely to engage in the content later if you do that because they know you aren't just piling work up to be mean.  If you don't show them otherwise, how are they to know that's not the case?

There's just so much to take into consideration.  For some kids, you may be the only person in their whole life who ever believes in them.  What a powerful thing!  I believe in my kids.  Every last one of them.  I know each of them has something incredible to offer.  Some kids you just have to dig a little deeper to discover what talents they have hidden.  But they are there.  In three weeks, I have already discovered some talented artists, singers, writers and speakers.

It doesn't take much to show the kids you care.  Figure out what you have in common with them, and be honest!  One Direction, Duck Dynasty, and Harry Potter have worked wonders for me thus far. :)

I still stand by my claim: "One of my favorite things about being a teacher is getting to pray for over a hundred kids BY NAME every single day!"

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