Sunday, December 27, 2015

New Year, Old Prayer, Continuing Desire

When you come across old prayers and realize you still want to live out that same thing.
Written December 31, 2014

In a few hours, it begins.  "It" being the start of something entirely new, and no, I don't just mean a new year.  In a few hours, well actually I've already started the process, I will be surrendering my life to God in a whole new way.  I'm letting go - of control, of people pleasing, of the desire for human approval.  You see, I'm being made new this year.  I'm dedicating all that I am and all that I'll be to my Lord and Savior.  I'm re-finding my first love.

This is the year I jump in with two feet, despite the fact that one is still in a cast.  This is the year I find my self-worth.  No, it's not in a new diet.  It's not in a new marathon record.  It's not even in finishing a novel.  My self-worth is in Christ, and He thinks I am just marvelous and beautiful the way I am.  He loves me despite my shortcomings.  He's even willing to be the strength in my shortcomings.  His love has changed me and is continuing to change me.

I have nothing to offer Him but my very life.  My goals, my desires, my aspirations.  And that is what this year, for me, is all about.  Wherever He leads, I'll go, and I'll carry with me a heart full of love.

No more, "Woe is me."  This year, Lord, HERE I AM.  SEND ME.

2015 New Year's Resolutions 
(I think for 2016, I'll just keep working towards these):

1. Let the Spirit lead me, not the flesh.
2. Stop overthinking and simply do.  Stop overthinking and simply love.
3. Expect miracles. Believe in miracles. Witness miracles.
4. Stop chasing my dreams and start chasing God's dreams.
5. Align my will with the will of the Father.
6. Stop being "strong" and place my weaknesses at the foot of the cross.
7. Replace the idol of human approval with a desire for God's approval.
8. Cherish quiet times and take them to heart.
9. Live in the moment, not the past or the future.  Wherever I am, be ALL there.
10. Don't let the things I don't have steal my joy.
11. Wait with patience and hope for God's timing.
12. Don't wait to have "true love" before truly loving.
13. Find contentment in Christ alone.
14. Plant the Word deep within my heart by memorizing and living out Scripture.
15. Let go of what I cling to so that God can work.
16. Stop being a people pleaser and start being a people lover.
17. Listen more.  Speak less.
18. Hear what others are saying.  Don't drown their words with my thoughts.
19. Communicate my true feelings and stop faking them to appease others.
20. Talk TO people, not AT them.
21. Stop living a life of checklists, rules, and schedules.
22. Find my value in the One who created me.
23. Give my heart fully to the One who created me.
24. Find a spiritual mentor.
25. Find a woman of God older than me to pray with and for.
26. Challenge my spiritual mentee to be more than ordinary.
27. Practice hospitality.  Welcome guests into my home.
28. Seek out the last, the lost, and the least.
29. Work harder.  Complain less.
30. Journey into nature and pause to take in its beauty.
31. Take the Sabbath for what it is and actually REST!
32. Plug into a Sunday School class and/or small group.
33. Minimize phone time and focus on real people.
34. Learn to pray with absolute faith and reckless abandon.
35. Hold nothing back when it comes to my God.
36. Lift my hands in worship.
37. Let go of my control so that God can perform miracles.
38. Love with all that I am, expecting nothing in return.
39. Climb mountains to pray.
40. Experience a sunrise on the mountaintop.
41. Spend a weekend in nature, worshipping around the fire and glorifying God's name.
42. Have Saturday morning breakfasts and prayers with friends and family.
43. Help shoulder the burdens of my friends.
44. Be more than a roommate.  Actually do life with my roommate.
45. Carry the light of Christ in my heart, eyes, and smile.
46. Use my artistic talents for God's kingdom.  Don't let them rust.
47. Wear the armor of God daily so that Satan's attacks are futile.
48. Use my money for the kingdom's purposes.
49. Make a bigger effort to know and love my brothers and sisters at church.
50. Keep in constant contact with old friends.
51. Reconnect with friends with whom I've lost touch.
52. Step out of my comfort zone without hesitation when God calls.
53. Do something radical for someone that leads them to the foot of the cross.
54. Learn new skills for the kingdom's purposes.
55. Rid my life of excess and clutter.
56. Have devotion/prayer time before work.
57. Help those without a family find a sense of family.
58. Help my best friend prepare for her homeless ministry.
59. Let my coaching time be for God's glory.
60. Live above circumstances.  Mountain high or valley low, praise God!
61. Make someone else's life just a little easier, even if it's uncomfortable to me.
62. Make time to see my brother and his family at least once a month.
63. Write often.
64. Serve weekly.
65. Find new places to serve.
66. Strengthen my Spanish for kingdom purposes.
67. Share the story of the gospel near and far.
68. Return to my first love, and find a passion for Him that is contagious.
69. Pray thoroughly and consistently for my Compassion kids.
70. Pray thoroughly and consistently when decision making.
71. Pray thoroughly and consistently in day-to-day life.
72. Pray for the world (all the countries by name).
73. Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is holy, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things.
74. Seek first the kingdom of God.
75. Pour out love and living water beyond what makes sense.
76. Believe in the impossible.
77. Don't patch over pain.  Cry out to God.  Shed tears.
78. Take care of my body for God, not self-image problems.
79. Don't stay cooped up inside.  Be where people are.
80. Refuel with Jesus - nothing else.
81. Stay positive.  Remember perspective.
82. Stop overanalyzing people's words and actions. 
83. Greet and leave people with a hug.
84. Show my students a real example of a Christ follower.
85. Help my students prepare for the future.
86. Be spontaneous and surprise people for no reason other than to spread a smile.
87. Be an encourager.  Speak life, compliments, kindness, and love.
88. Make sacrifices for love.
89. Set aside differences and let love shine.
90. Exercise to be equipped for kingdom purposes.
91. Learn to walk away from unhealthy situations while still showing love.
92. Pray for my best friend and her ministry in Costa Rica.
93. Pray constantly for fire to burn in Joel's heart so that God can use him to set the world ablaze for Christ.
94. Pray for Joel's family and a daily increase in their love for God.
95. Pray constantly for my family's faith.
96. Pray that God will send out workers to do His kingdom's work.
97. Carry my cross daily.  Be made new daily.
98. Write out my prayers.
99. Learn that love conquers all.
100. Keep a prayer/spiritual journal.